By Lily Delperdang
This website that sells concert tickets,Spune, does not follow rule number 6. There are multiple places where it's not obvious that an item is a clickable link. The bottom logo (SeeTICKETS) is not an obvious link. The text should be underlined or in black to stand out. The Spune logo is also a link but the format of the website doesn't make it look like it would be.
Reframing your project as a story can help you keep a consistent "voice" and design, and allows the user to have a personalized experience. Using story can also elicit certain interactions and emotional responses, which can help sell an idea. You can refine your ideas by creating specific narratives to engage the viewer's minds and create positive experiences or interactions. Different signifiers shape the user's experience, like colors, fonts, word choice, and overall design. It also helps to create a persona of the user to help shape your design, you can cater your site to their needs and aim to shape their experience in a certain way.
Hierarchy can be established through color, size, weight, and placement. A basic example is How to Catch Worms: 4 Easy Methods. It uses a bright color on bold text for the first heading and slighter smaller, bold black text for the secondary headings.
The problem is that young adults and teens are overwhelmed by college, doctor's visits, the DMV, taxes, and adulthood. I aim to make a website that provides steps and checklists on how to handle some of these situations because many people in newer generations face anxieties over these topics and may not have parents willing or able to help. My key messages are that the user is capable of anything, especially being independent. My competition is self-help books, AI generated search results, and other webistes that handle each problem individually. I will measure my success by how many accounts are made on my website and how many users have checked off boxes on their lists.